12 August 2002

Some news to chew on.

XXX tops box office I don't get Vin Diesel's appeal. I understand where it comes from, what with his hunky t-shirt wearing and urbanized Benicio Del Toro line delivery. But he's been in two good movies- Saving Private Ryan and The Iron Giant. It's not like he was the focus of the former, and God knows his mouth full of gravel style served him well in voicing a robot.

Other than that? Well, some liked The Fast and the Furious, and I can see how that'd appeal to the Nintendo generation. Otherwise, ugh.

I don't think he seems like a bad sort of person, as far as Hollywood types go. Maybe his theater and indie work grounded him or something. He's supposed to play Hannibal in a biopic slated for 2003 or 2004, which may be interesting, but I fear it'll wind up with Jerry Bruckheimer and Michael Bay running the show.

Columbian president declares "state of internal commotion" Nice spin on "state of internal anarchy thanks to narco-terrorism and leftist rebels." I blame Madonna.

US AIrways goes Chapter 11 If you've flown them any time since, say, 1998, this should be no surprise. Why do I think they should have just turned the entire airline into Metro Jet?

Best case scenario: they sell off some/all of their gates at Logan to JetBlue so we can finally have a discount carrier centrally located. Won't happen, but I can hope for it.

Jason Priestly fractures spine There's a joke here involving Priestly and James Dean, but I can't put it together. The real surprise for me here was that Priestly is driving in an IRL developmental league. Didn't know he was that committed to racing, but I don't follow much outside of F1 (and even that I only sort of follow, mostly to root against Michael Schumacher).

Apologies to Craig Barker for ripping off his format.

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