16 November 2004

OK, I've really got nothing to say, but I'm trying to kill some time before going to the dentist to get some cavities drilled. I'm told that most of what's coming is minor, but given my continuing stance on the lack of progress in dental technology since the 15th century, I'm not looking forward to this.

Given what some of you've been through recently (hello, Greg), I have no right to be a baby about this. On the other hand, having a blog gives you a licence to whine, doesn't it?

I've not said anything about reality TV in a while (and I know you've missed it), but there is one particularly annoying thing that's become more obvious on The Apprentice. There's an increasing amount of post-taped boardroom dialog from Trump (and at least once from Carolyn), which stands out given that it sounds different. I don't know the technical terms to use here, but it just sounds remarkably different. Content-wise it sounds a little scripted, too, given Trump's usual off the cuff remarks. You'd think with the two-plus hours of boardroom they'd be able to get 10 good minutes, but apparently not.

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