14 May 2006

Back when the Braves were still in Boston, there was a saying regarding their pitching staff that went, "Spahn and Sain and pray for rain." Apparently, God just got to all the rain prayers, and is answering them all at the same time.

We've had 6 inches of rain in the last hour, which is actually a little less than some neighboring towns. The good news is we don't have to shovel rain. The bad news is that you can't shovel rain - or more accurately, the flooding water that covers the roads and gets into basements.

Nothing too serious so far, though the rivers will of course lag a bit in getting to their highest points. That shouldn't effect us too badly, though it's going to be interesting through Tuesday.

Even with the rain, we managed to graduate about 100 students at Wentworth yesterday (our main ceremony is in August due to co-op). Our ceremony is outside, but thankfully under a tent. The getting to and from the tent provided some adventures, but all in all it went pretty smoothly.

I fear that it is not going so well for the alma mater, whose main ceremony is outside rain or shine. On what used to be Braves Field.

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