05 May 2006

If you've been reading Craig or Greg's blogs of late, you know the drill: comment on the following list of 10 things starting with the letter 'H' and I'll give you your very own letter, for which you have to come up with 10 words that have some sort of personal meaning to you, which you will then post on your blog/journal/precious memory book, and so on.

Ham - I like ham. I like pork and bacon better, but ham is still mighty tasty. It was a significant part of one college bowl trip where every meal featured a pig-based meat. I didn't do that on purpose, though I assume my future cardiologist will thank me for it nevertheless.

Home - I've never thought of myself as a homebody, but I kind of am. Not in an agoraphobic sort of way, but rather I like having a place that's more than just where I sleep. This will hopefully extend into actually having a house.

House - the TV show, not the domicile. Not sure if it's my current favorite program, but it's on the short list.

Harry Potter - teen wizard and publishing phenomenon. I was pretty skeptical when adults I knew started reading and liking the books - they were written for 10-year-olds! - but I eventually broke down and found the books pretty enjoyable. Now I wonder how the 10-year-olds are supposed to get through 900 pages.

Harry Agganis - college sports phenom and tragic hero, whose name adorns the spiffy new area at Boston University. Best "fact" about Harry - he hit a home run for the Red Sox the same day he received his diploma from BU. There's some speculation that this isn't completely true, though I've seen a photo that suggests it is. Regardless, there's an ESPN movie waiting to be made here.

Henrik Hudson High School - purveyor of secondary education in New York where I once participated in a debate tournament. Nothing stands out about this trip, so I assume I had my usual middle of the pack performance.

Harpoon IPA - my favoritest beer and the official beer of my pre-wedding bachelor outing. We drank a lot of it that afternoon. Do yourself a favor and get a pint the next time you're tempted to get some mass-produced swill (those of you who don't live in an area where Harpoon is available should feel free to sub in something appropriately local and hoppy).

Harriman - I am not an in-law of the branch with the private banks and wealth and such. It's still turned out pretty well.

Hank Scorpio - the man who invented wearing a sportcoat with jeans and the mastermind behind Project Arcturus. Voiced by Albert Brooks, he appears in "You Only Move Twice," which might be the greatest episode of The Simpsons. I've heard the argument, and there's something to it.

Health disparities - this was the first page whose subject begins with 'H' to come up based on clicking the "random page" function on Wikipedia. I was hoping for something more fun - if I had "B" you'd have gotten a page on some sort of fruit bat - but there you go.


Scott Monty said...

I've been listening to a podcast by a Danish priest who is fairly good at dissecting the religious and mythological elements of the Harry Potter books. While they may be targeted at adolescents, the series is quite well thought out and contains a great deal of allegory, mythical elements, and symbolism.

Paul Crowley said...

I guess I'm a bit spoiled here in Victoria. I'm not sure whether I'll ever truly be able to back to American beers. As American beers go, though, can't argue that Harpoon doesn't make a tasty brew. When you and Sarah come Victoria, we'll sample some Race Rocks, Spinnaker's and/or Canoe and see what you think! BTW, dates for your visit?

Mark said...

Scott - you get the letter E

Paul - mid to late June. We've not fully worked out our schedule. The wedding is June 17, so I'd figure the following weekend. More details once we sort them out.

Paul Crowley said...

Sounds great. You can throw me a letter, too. I actually have a blog that gets sparing attention. Usually a chance for me to rant against the financial inequities of the Patriot Act and how it negatively impacts US servicemen serving out of country.


I stopped writing to it a year ago when I discovered that all the telemarketers were using it to hawk their wares as comments on my post, but this will give me a good excuse to start it up again.

Mark said...

Good, this gives me another BU related blogger to add to the rolls.

Your letter is C.

Mark said...

Write more? You mean that one week in 2005 wasn't enough?

OK, Shawn, your letter is... B.

For want of anything better to post, here's a breakdown of if I've been to the most populous 100 cities in the US, and if so for how...