19 January 2007

(I promise, at some point I will post on something other than sports. Just not now.)

For reasons I can't even fathom, I started to read today's Bill Simmons column at ESPN.com. I suppose I was drawn in by the teaser that compared the Pats to the Yankees (apparently in terms of hate by outside fans).

I couldn't bring myself to wade through however many words were used to explain why we should love the Pats, but I was taken aback by a comment that, as a sports fan in Boston, I was supposed to grow up hating the Yanks, Habs, Steelers, and Cowboys. The first two made sense. The Cowboys doesn't seem to fit geographically, but I learned to dislike them given the hubris behind the "America's Team" thing.

But the Steelers? I still don't understand why I was supposed to dislike them. Simmons may have resented their winning ways, but I didn't. The logical team to put here is the Dolphins, whose general success and marquee players were capped by the long-time losing streak we had to them at the Orange Bowl.

Once again, I have no idea what Simmons is talking about. I suppose that's a good thing.

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