05 February 2007

And to show how out of it I am when it comes to the Super Bowl ads, here are the top 5 as ranked by USA Today's Ad Meter:

1. Crabs hijack cooler thinking it's their god - this Budweiser spot took the top spot by almost a quarter-point over the second place ad. Which is befuddling, as this is smirk-worthy at best. Yahoo! Sports also noted that it's derivative of the ETs who worshiped "The Claw" in Toy Story.

2. Mutt get dirty, gets a ride on the Budweiser wagon - speaking of derivative, the fish out of water story here isn't a donkey trying to become a Clydesdale, but rather a stray dog who, thanks to some strategically placed dirt, is mistaken for a Dalmatian and gets the adoration he didn't previously get in the gutter. It was cute, but not as good as the donkey ads.

3. RPG for beer goes horribly awry. Two guys, one Bud Light. They rock-paper-scissors for it, with one guy "throwing" paper while the other throws a rock. Literally. I kind of liked this one, to be honest.

4. A guy and a girl demonstrate the qualities of Doritos while flirting - badly - forgot about this one, which was made by some sort of amateur but was shot well and did a nice job of humorously interplaying things about Doritos (crunchy, cheesy, etc.) with what the two people were doing.

5. ESL was never so watered down - an English as Second Language class learns how to ask for Bud Light, and that if they are asked for one, how to say that they don't speak English. It was better than it sounds, but I don't think it was the fifth best ad of the night.

The two ads I noted - the Garmin ad and the K-Fed ad - landed in the bottom 10 (the Garmin ad in the bottom 5). I'd be more befuddled if I hadn't seen the surprising high rating for Wild Hogs, an upcoming Disney movie starring Tim Allen and John Travolta as middle-aged bike wannabes who tangle with an actual biker gang. That explains a lot about who was rating these things.

Anyway, you can go here to see the full Ad Meter ratings.

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