20 June 2007

Book Log 2007 #25: Future Energy by Bill Paul

I was vaguely disappointed by this book, for a few reasons:

* A major focus of the book is on what companies to invest in to make the most money off of the coming changes in the oil industry. Not a bad idea, and Paul is suited to the task, but I wasn't really in the mood for an investment primer, given that I don't have much free capital on hand. More of a personal issue than anything else.

* Most of Paul's assumptions were based on there being no changes in current individual practices with regards to consumption, and he gave increased efficiency pretty short shrift, too. I'd have liked to have seen some ideas here, too.

* I think I'd have liked more explanation on the technical side, especially on some of the less well-known substitute liquid fuels, especially those converted from coal. There was a pretty bright line between the technology that I knew beforehand and that which was in the book and given a basic explanation.

In any case, it's probably worth a read, at least to get people thinking about long-term energy policy for once.

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