05 October 2007

Book Log 2007 #40: 1824: The Arkansas War by Eric Flint

This is the second book in a series that started with 1812: The Rivers of War, in which the War of 1812 goes a bit differently and, as a result, a conglomeration of freemen and Native Americans form a sovereign confederacy in Arkansas. This book takes things to the next step, as the confederacy fights for survival against attacks from locals who see it as a threat to slavery and a US invasion spurred by President Henry Clay.

Given the usual focus on the Civil War in alternative US history, this is a nice change of pace. The issue of race is also handled reasonably well, with moments that are either too stereotypical or too optimistic balanced out by the bulk of the book that touches on the subject.

Certainly recommended for alternative history fans, and probably not a bad series for anyone interested in the period.

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