05 October 2007

Book Log 2007 #41: Tales from Q School: Inside Golf's Fifth Major by John Feinstein

I've always found the idea of Q School - the PGA's tournament for bestowing tour cards on golfers who have not otherwise earned one - to be fascinating, as it's a rare look into the lives of golfers who are (excuse the pun) on the fringe. I've also always enjoyed Feinstein's books. So I figured this would be a perfect match.

But it isn't. There are too many golfers entering and exiting the story, and it seems like a fair amount of the narrative is aimed at hammering home the idea that anything can happen at Q School, and usually does. Part of me thinks that may be the point, that the book is written in a way to mimic the nature of the event. Or at least I hope it is.

All of that said, I didn't think it was a bad book. The stories are still entertaining, and there are some great insights as to what it takes to succeed on - or not succeed and keep trying to make - the PGA tour. I was also interested to find a longish section on Pat Bates, a golfer who I knew growing up. I've not talked to him in a good 20 years at least, so it was something to get to compare the person he's become with the kid I knew.

In any case, it's probably a book best left for people who are more interested in golf than me.

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