31 October 2007

A cooking tip for you all: if your serrated chef's knife gets stuck in a head of cabbage, work it out slowly and with your free hand nowhere near the knife. Otherwise, your free hand may later look like this:

I will say that this looks a lot better than it did about 22 hours ago. Eight stitches will do that. I managed to cut an artery and apparently a nerve, which will require some sort of microscope-assisted surgery. Fun times ahead.

Oh, and typing with one hand? Not as much fun as you might think.


Scott Monty said...

Ouch. Not so nice. I've done the serrated thing before and it's not as clean as the straight chef's knife.

If you'd like to keep blogging, let me offer you a solution: Utterz. You can call in, leave a voice message and set it up so the audio file posts to your blog automatically.

You can take a look over at my main blog.

I hope the healing process is speedy and that you don't get tendonitis in the remaining arm.

Matt said...

At least you did it on Halloween. Hopefully you freaked out the suburban kids with the spurting blood, because otherwise, huge opportunity wasted.

PS: I'm working on fixing your archives now. I think I have it, just waiting for a republish.

For want of anything better to post, here's a breakdown of if I've been to the most populous 100 cities in the US, and if so for how...