01 November 2007

Book Log 2007 #49: The Edict by Bob Cupp

The year is 1457. A new game is sweeping Scotland: golf. The annual tournament is afoot, and a young shepherd is looking to finally take his place among the immortals who have previously taken the title. But can he survive a plot that seeks to keep him from winning at all costs? That's the premise of this historical novel (really a novella) by Cupp, who is a well-known course designer.

I can't say I was overly taken with the book. There's not as much suspense as you might expect from the set up, and the vast majority of the action takes place before the titular edict is enacted. The way the story unfolds is also a bit odd, as it shifts more than once into regular third person to a viewpoint that's more like narration.

All that being said, it may be worth a gander for golf fans.

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