03 February 2010

Book Log 2010 #1: Hitler's War by Harry Turtledove

Turtledove's latest multi-volume reimagining of history involves World War II, which in this case starts much earlier, and without the appeasement that helped the Germans establish themselves in Austria and Czechoslovakia before actual fighting commenced.

As usual, the book covers multiple plot lines - I can think of at least seven - with the story unfolding across Europe and Asia. It avoids the narrative repetition that made Give Me Back My Legions! tedious, but is perhaps a little sprawling. The variety of plot lines waters down the personalities and stunts the growth of the more promising story arcs. I worry a bit that some of the people and events of the first book will be well forgotten by the time the second book comes out.

Even with the sprawl problem the book is still fairly entertaining, certainly enough for World War II buffs or alt history nerds.

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