28 February 2010

Lentorama 2010: Two Millennia of Pointy Hats

Day 10 - Hilarius (461-468)

I mentioned Leo I in the last post, and he'd seem like the obvious choice for this century. He served as pope for 21 years, solidified Roman primacy among churches with an edict from the emperor, ended heresies, was named a Doctor of the Church, and became the first pope to be called "the Great." A lot going on, and a pivotal time for the church. So how do you follow that up?

If you're Hilarius, who prior to becoming pope worked with Leo, you continue your predecesor's work without drawing too much attention to yourself. A game plan that works as well today as it did back then. Hilarius continued to work on issues in Gaul and heresies, and got several buildings completed. So not the most exciting run, but sensible given who was in his job before him.

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