22 February 2010

Lentorama 2010: Two Millennia of Pointy Hats

Day 5: St. Pontius (230-235)

Pontius is the first pope where we have exact dates for holding office, thanks to some unknown scribe who wrote about third century clerics. It was during this period that the schism started by Hippolytus (who you may remember from the last entry) was closed, thanks in large part to Hippolytus seeking - and getting - reconciliation with the Roman church.

Not that there was much time to celebrate, as not long after this the emperor decided to exile a number of churchmen - Pontius and Hippolytus included - to Sardinia. Pontius abdicated before going away, and eventually died due to the exertions from working in the mines. He is also joined to Hippolytus by feast date, which makes me think that things worked out pretty well for Hippolytus, going from potential anitpope to saint like that.

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