04 December 2012

Book Log 2012 #25 and #26: Prophecy and Sacrilege by S. J. Parris

The second and third books in the series of mysteries featuring Giordano Bruno, both involve plots to overthrow Queen Elizabeth I that become entwined with murders that Bruno is called upon to investigate.

In Prophecy, a girl at court is found dead, and with symbols carved into her that suggests an occult connection. Bruno is called in to see if that connection exists, and in turn discovers a link to a potential invasion by the European Catholic powers. The case also imperils Bruno's friend John Dee, whose occult leanings make Bruno's work that much more difficult.

Sacrilege moves the action to Canterbury, where the killing of a prominent citizen reintroduces Sophia Underhill, Bruno's love interest from the first novel. Bruno goes undercover to help her, and gets entangled with locals who want to use the local saint, Thomas Beckett, to launch a revolution.

Both books are of the same quality of the first, and are highly enjoyable. They're a good mix of the specific case and continuing plot points (the return of Sophia, Bruno's relationship with his patron, Sir Philip Sidney, and spymaster Walsingham). Looking forward to the next installment.

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