02 March 2018

Lentorama 2018: Second String Saints

Day 15: Dorothea of Caesarea

Legend has it that Dorothea, a martyr of the Diocletian persecution, was mocked on the way to her death to provide fruits from her bridegroom's garden (the bridegroom being Jesus). Before being killed, she gave her headdress to a six year old boy, who delivered it to the person who mocked her, who found it full of roses and fruits. He then declared himself a Christian, and was killed himself.

As time passed, Dorothea became more widely venerated, most notably in the Middle Ages, and was named a patron saint of gardeners. But as there's almost nothing known of her (just the day and place of her martyrdom and the name of the person who mocked her), she got demoted off of the calendar.

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