27 March 2018

Lentorama 2018: Second String Saints

Day 38: Lucius I

Another early pope who got to be a saint by being an early pope. Serving in the 3rd century, he was briefly banished from Rome but was given permission to return. He got dropped from the calendar based on his not actually having been a martyr. It was claimed that he was martyred under the persecution of Valerian, but that persecution didn't start until after Lucius' death.

One odd story about Lucius. Demons were said to be haunting the Isefjord near Roskilde, Denmark, saying that the only thing they feared was Lucius' skull. (why his skull is an open question). The skull was promptly brought to the fjord, the demons went away, and Lucius was made patron saint of Zeeland.  The skull remained in Denmark as a relic, but carbon dating proved the skull attributed to Lucius dated back to about 100 years after Lucius died. The skull did move around a little, so it's possible Lucius' skull crossed paths with another one and they were switched.

Just another example of why you should always keep your head about you.

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