29 March 2018

Lentorama 2018: Second String Saints

Day 40: Cyprian and Justina

Cyprian was a pagan magician beset by devils. Justina, a Christian woman, used the sign of the cross to keep the devils at bay, while they were finally defeated when Cyrpian made the sign himself. Converting to Christianity, Cyprian would rise to become a bishop, while Justina would head a convent. Both were captured and tortured during the Diocletian persecutions, but did not waver in their faith. Brought to Diocletian himself,  he ordered that they be beheaded. The pair were then made saints for their piety and martyrdom.

Except maybe they weren't?

Evidence suggests that the pair didn't exist, and that this Cyprian was confused with St. Cyprian of Carthage, whose writings, acts, and martyrdom during the persecution of Valerian are all well documented.  Also, there was no bishop in Antioch named Cyprian.

The pair were removed from the Roman Martyrology (a list of saints) in 2001, but as there were five saints named Cyprian and two named Justina the idea that there was confusion as to who exactly was who isn't too far-fetched.

 So that's it for 2018! I now have 320(ish) days to figure out what to do for next year.

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