07 March 2018

Lentorama 2018: Second String Saints

Day 19 - Martina of Rome

The daughter of an ex-consul, she was ordered to return to the religion of the Roman state, but refused. For this she was ordered to undergo various tortures (including attack by wild animals and burning alive), all of which she escaped from unscathed. This apparently didn't protect her from beheading, which is how she was reportedly martyred.

Over time her story was increasingly embellished, and apparently conflated with the lives of other saints. But no one seemed to mind, and she was canonized just the same. Jump forward 1400 years after her death and her remains were discovered in the crypt of a church named for her. But a couple hundred years later she was taken off of the General Calendar, but she remains on the calendar for her church and in and around Rome, of which she's a patron saint.

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