07 March 2019

Lentorama 2019: Resurrect My Globe!

Day 2: Spain

Spain takes Holy Week (or Semana Santa) seriously, which most cities having parades on the holy days that feature life-size floats of religious scenes carried on the shoulders of men from various "brotherhoods" (representing a neighborhood, or parish, or some other common bond), bands, participants in hooded cloaks (a little too Klanish for my taste), and so on. Each city has its own spin on things - where certain floats meet, or the use of certain items like candles - so there is some difference in the proceedings depending on where you are.

The tradition that most caught my eye, though, is torrijas, which is basically French toast that is fried and coated with caramelized sugar and honey. My pancreas hurts just thinking about it. But I want some. Right now.

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