16 March 2019

Lentorama 2019: Resurrect My Globe!

Day 10: Papua New Guinea

Papuans do something a little different for Easter. When decorating churches, a tree is placed outside, from which sticks of tobacco and packs of cigarettes are hung. After services, the tobacco is distributed to the congregants.

Why, you ask? I have no idea, and Google isn't proving particularly helpful. Three reasons that likely contribute to this:

1. Papuans like to smoke. A 2016 accounting of cigarettes consumed per capital puts PNG 30th worldwide, with 1689 smoked per person per year.

2. Tobacco was one of the agricultural products introduced to PNG as a commercial crop, and while the country isn't one of the top producers in the world you can see where creating a domestic market for tobacco might be desired by the people who grow it.

3. Chocolate does not do well in PNG's tropical climate. Why you jump to tobacco rather than, say, jelly beans I don't know.

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