23 October 2001

So I'm going to the doctor today. This may not sound like a big deal, and truth be told it probably isn't, but it's the first appointment I've had with this guy, so it'll be interesting to see what comes of it.

I have three specific medical issues to discuss:

1. Both of my feet hurt, specifically the heels. The left heel hurts along the bottom, the right seems to be an Achilles problem that started during summer softball. Lack of health insurance prevented a timely medical response on my part, at least until August, when lethargy set in.

2. I've got some sort of rash on my back. I think it's sun-related, as it kicked up after we returned from Florida.

3. Related to that, I think, is a mole on my neck which doesn't look right. There's also a new mole-like spot on my left side. Given my mother's apparent skin cancer (she had something, but never got it checked), this is the issue that has me most concerned. I'd write John McCain for advice, but with the anthrax and all my letter will probably get shredded and burned.

In other news, as you've probably noticed by now I don't like the Yankees. As much as I can feel sympathy for the people of New York City, I still don't like the Yankees. I hope they get swept by the D-Backs. I hope Randy Johnson and Curt Schilling throw back to back perfect games. I hope Paul O'Neill whines so much that Kraft sends him a big block of cheddar. I hope Derek Jeter gets back together with Mariah Carey just in time for Game 1. I hope, I hope, I hope.

And what good will all this hoping do? I'm afraid to ponder that question.

Question: when does the rumor start that Major League Baseball ordered teams to let the Yankees win the World Series? Not that they couldn't win the thing on their own, but logic never wills out where a conspiracy can be asserted.

New England Patriots are 3-3. Odder still. At least we get the Rams, Saints, and Browns at home. Saints are clearly vulnerable (they lost to the Falcons, a team not unlike the Pats, really, in terms of expected results), and the Browns pose a question of when they'll run out of smoke and mirrors. The Rams are the real deal; pray for inclement weather to slow them down.

Throw in the undefeated BU hockey team (and the 1-3-1 BC team), and it's a decent week, sports-wise. Now if the sun would just come out...

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