09 October 2001

Yes, I've begun to blog.

Blogging, or weblogging to those of you of a less nerdy persuasion, is a technology that allows anyone to publish on the Web. No design courses or costly software, just me mashing on the keyboard. The friendly folks at Blogger.com do the rest.

So why have I done this? Like all good high school-level essays, three reasons.

1. Lack of skill. I suck at Web pages. It doesn't help that all I've ever used is free or add on design software. I am the king of all-text pages. Be happy Blogger uses some color.

2. Laziness. My plans are always better than my results, so I figure aim low (in the words of Marge Simpson). This will at least allow me to go off on whatever topic fills my head, without the good intentions getting in the way.

3. Everyone else is. An excuse I've rarely used. Blogging is popular, one of the few popular things whose appeal wasn't obfuscated in marketing claptrap or the sentiments of the brain dead. I figure it's better than going out and buying all of N Sync's crap and joining their bandwagon.

So there's my little intro as to why I'm doing this. Up next: an introduction to me, and the people you'll most likely see mentioned.

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