17 October 2002

We're moving.

Not me and Sarah; we're still enjoying the rent-free digs at Babson. But us here in Blogalicious land, we're pulling up stakes and heading to a new home.

Nothing against BlogSpot, one of the better freebies on the Web these days. But we do have a lot of server space over at the Gerbil, so like Matt Boggie I'll be running things out of there. Not sure if I'll make many other changes, though the addition of the ubiquitous comment widget can't be far behind.

For those of you with links, I will be moving to http://www.greenfieldgerbil.com/~coen starting, oh, Friday. Give folks a little time to get that squared away.

Just realized that Friday is tomorrow. Meant to give another day, but then we get into the weekend, and who among us will bother with any of this then?

This whole week's been off for me, date and day wise. Columbus Day is the easy to point at culprit, but then how do you explain me thinking it was late September the other day when Sarah was reading expiration dates off of yogurt? I was really befuddled why she'd think October 13 was a problem, but when she then added the 7th I realized the error.

And, thankfully, I didn't inadvertently poison her.

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