23 February 2005

As Craig pointed out, yesterday was the 25th anniversary of the Miracle on Ice hockey game, wherein a bunch of American college kids beat the Soviet Union's Red Army machine 4-3. Place it in the historical context of the Cold War as you wish; there's at least one Russian man out there who cites it as one of the three causes of the collapse of the Soviet Union (and was surprised to find that Boston University, the school that created some of the Soviet giant-killers, was not some sort of hockey player factory - or at least wasn't in the way he was thinking).

I did spend part of last night watching the game again, and was reminded of one of my favorite parts of the rebroadcasts. The one reasonably famous person ABC can find in the crowd?

Jamie Farr.

Those of you over the age of 30 will remember him as Max Klinger on M*A*S*H. The rest of you probably don't know him at all.

It's pretty random, actually. At some break in the action they cut to a crowd shot, and there's Farr. He's looking pretty agitated, and is clearly into the game. It's a nice juxtaposition to what you get when a network "finds" a celebrity at an important sporting event today. Someday, I hope the shmuck that has to do the seatside interviews covers the celeb's eyes with one hand and asks "OK, hot shot, who all is playing in this game again?"

I mean, they'd get canned, but it'd be a great way to go.

(As Craig also noted, yesterday was the 20th anniversary of Bobby Knight throwing a chair across the court at Assembly Hall during a game. I'm sure Viktor Tihkinov wishes he thought of that.)


Allyson said...

Hey -- I am (still) under 30 and I know who Jamie Farr is.

Mark said...

I'd expect that you'd know - they don't let just anybody be a Gerbil. :)

Given MASH's syndicated popularity, though, the Farr Line may in fact be lower than thought - perhaps 25?

Anonymous said...

Too bad he doesn't have the Jamie Farr Kroger Classic anymore

- Maybe all second-tier sports/quasi-sports should name the stops after C-List Celebrities

- The Doug (Eyechart) Gwosdz National Spelling Bee

- The Mutt Lange Westminster Dog Show

best I could do on short notice
I'd go with 25 for the farr-cutoff age
Phil Castagna

Anonymous said...

I'm glad it's still around.

Sorry to be un-PC - but if you were the LPGA, would you want a tournament named after a guy who made his bones dressing up in women's clothing? I'll stop there.


Just a Thought

For want of anything better to post, here's a breakdown of if I've been to the most populous 100 cities in the US, and if so for how...