14 October 2005

While it doesn't quite live up to the moose that was wandering around MetroWest when we were at Babson, there was an article on Boston.com today noting that a wild turkey that had been snarling traffic in my new hometown of Beverly had finally been captured by animal control. I'd link to the story but, really, that sums it up.

Apparently, the turkey liked to hang out in the middle of one of the larger roads in town (one that I used to drive a bit when I was subbing, but rarely go down now), causing both tie-ups and potential accidents. The most recent incident involved a school bus that nearly went off the road trying to avoid the bird. I know dead fowl isn't the most pleasant thing for school-aged kids to see, but given the choice I'd have not risked the accident and given Tom what was coming to him.

In any event, he's caged up now, and will be released back into the wild in the near future. There is no need to panic.


Anonymous said...

Seeing that story reminded me of the day after Thanksgiving last year. I was driving to Best Buy for their sale and a flock of turkeys crossed the street in front of me. My first thought was, "Those are big geese." My second was, "What the hell are turkeys doing in Boston?"


Greg said...

You don't remember the famous kids' book, Hyph? Look for the turkey statues in the Common.

Paul Crowley said...

Reminds me of one early Spring day back when I was working out near Saratoga Springs. I was driving back from a visit with the folks on I-90, about 10 miles across the border into New York when I came upon a three car pileup in the passing lane. There wasn't much traffic yet and only one cop had shown up at the scene. The cars were pretty mangled as I slowly squeezed my way past in the right-side breakdown lane. Just beyond the wreck in the median was a big old Tom with about 30 hens grazing. When I looked in the paper the next day, the write up of the accident described how some idiot had stopped his pickup in the passing lane of I-90 at the sight of these turkeys, grabbed his shotgun out of the back of his cab and tried to bag a bird. He had barely cleared the cab with his gun when first one than a second car plowed into his truck. Amazingly, he survived with minor injuries, but the truck was a total lost and the turkeys lived to tell the tale.

God punishes the stupid.

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