14 June 2006

Book Log 2006 #24: Chasing Lance by Martin Dugard

The title of this book plays on the multiple ways the author chased Lance Armstrong during the 2005 Tour de France - in cars while following the race, in person trying to get some interview time, and in the more metaphorical sense of chasing an ultimate goal. Each of these gets a reasonable and balanced amount of page time - the first two get most of the print, while the final chasing theme lurks throughout before coming into focus at the end. This makes for a pretty well-composed book, though one that doesn't give the race or Armstrong the sort of total focus that one might expect going in (which I didn't find problematic).

It's also a good perspective on Armstrong that isn't from his camp or further innuendo about doping. The perspective is realistic and even a bit optimistic, which given the default to cynicism in cycling is a bit refreshing. I just hope it doesn't turn out to be naive.

Recommended, especially as the first Lance-free Tour of the millenium will kick off in less than a month.

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