27 June 2006

Book Log 2006 #25: The Baseball Uncyclopedia by Michael Kun and Howard Bloom

Is the Metrodome really the Homer Dome? How does David Aardsma mess up the symmetry of baseball record-keeping? And is Cal Ripken, Jr. over-rated? All of these questions and more are tackled in this humorous work, which mixes the opinionated viewpoints of its authors with some hardball analysis (statistical and otherwise) to give us answers.

This is the sort of book whose entertainment value is inversely proportional to the level of baseball knowledge held by the reader. The humor generally works, but there are a few occasions where I thought the jokes may have sounded better than they worked on the page (though now being nearly two months in my rear-view, I don't have any examples).

So it's worth a look, though you seamheads out there may get bored with it.

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