27 June 2006

I had the great misfortune yesterday to hear that Paris Hilton song. OK, I'll admit to some liability in the matter, as I tuned back to it after originally tuning away. Unfortunately, it was not the sort of Kevin Federline rapping apocalypse that I'd hoped for.

It was, rather, a completely forgettable and typical pop song. I wouldn't have known it was her if they didn't say so beforehand, but neither would I have cared who the singer actually was had I not known.

The song is kind of like what I think would have happened had No Doubt started off as 14 year olds on a Disney Channel show. The music is reggae-lite (very lite), and Hilton's vocal is Gwen Stefani wannabe (very wannabe). Lyrically it's similar to the generic American Idol songs that the finalists get stuck with. In fact, I can't swear that it wasn't one. Maybe Diana DiGarmo sang it?

Anyway, that's several more pixels than the song is worth. Though I did read a Boston Herald piece that called Hilton an "heirhead," which wins hands down against "celebutante." So that's something.

1 comment:

Scott Monty said...

The Herald has to be one of the best at ludicrous titles and headlines. For example, over the weekend I saw a headline for a doctor who was a pain specialist - his family was found with an inordinate number of prescription drugs in their posession, thanks to his prescibing habits. The Herald's headline? NUMB NUT

For want of anything better to post, here's a breakdown of if I've been to the most populous 100 cities in the US, and if so for how...