14 July 2006

Finally got around to seeing The DaVinci Code tonight, and it was as expected - a mediocre movie of a mediocre book. Not much to say in its favor, though I thought Jean Reno and Ian McKellen did pretty well in their supporting roles. The movie does allow for a more sceptical view of the "facts" around the whole Grail/Prior of Sion (Langdon is more skeptical, and we don't get Holy Blood, Holy Grail referenced as a scholarly work), and Opus Dei... well, they still don't come off too well, but there is some recognition that not all members practice mortification or shoot people. Even so, there's enough in the movie to engender the same complaints as the book in regards to both themes.

And while I wasn't all that intrigued by the character, I do have a greater appreciation for Audrey Tautou.

The previews were kind of a mixed bag. Saw the Miami Vice preview again, and had a few for movies already in release (which makes some sense, as if we've waited this long to see this movie, we're probably not going to get around to Cars or Click for another couple of weeks, if ever.

For upcoming movies, there were trailers for Casino Royale and World Trade Center. I'm more excited for the Bond movie than I suspected, I think based on the idea of it being a bit of a reset. Just as long as they now don't go back and remake the other movies; I don't think we really need another take of Moonraker. The World Trade Center trailer was pretty emotional, though I think it may be more approachable as a movie than the one on Flight 93 (mostly because the trailer says it's a movie about survival, so you know that someone's going to make it out). Nicolas Cage stars, so that could be an issue for some people.

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