12 July 2006

Went to a sneak preview of You, Me and Dupree last night, and for going into the movie with no expectations I found it reasonably enjoyable. Glad I didn't pay money to see it, but didn't wish for the 2 hours of my life back, either. That's not something I expected to say about a movie starring Kate Hudson and Owen Wilson (Matt Dillon and Michael Douglas are also in it, but I have fewer reservations about them).

The wife even managed to win a hat and t-shirt for the movie by knowing that Owen Wilson has a brother named Luke. Which isn't much, as far as trivia goes, but it was better than the two questions asking you to name Hudson's mom (the preview was hosted by two radio stations, and their street teams apparently came up with their questions independently).

There was one preview before the movie - for Miami Vice. While I've not enjoyed the trend to remake TV shows into ironically-bent movies, I don't necessarily think that a remake that takes itself more seriously than the show is such a good thing, either.

Plus, there was no hint of the show's original theme music. And neither Farrell nor Foxx were wearing white suits with pastel t-shirts. So sad.

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