31 July 2006

OK, more radio silence, but there's a good reason this time.

The wife and I are on the road to being home-owners.

We found the house accidentally - we went to look at a house, found out the listing was actually for a condo (the ad didn't mention that), and as we left we noticed a house across the street was for sale. We'd not seen anything about it in any listing, so we did a little checking. We found a listing, but it was pretty vague - one exterior picture, almost no description, and an asking price.

After mulling it for a while, we requested a showing. We figured that if it was bad - and the lack of information had us thinking in that direction - it was just a little time out of our evening (this was the house I mentioned a post or two ago).

I was still pretty dubious as we got to the house, but we were pleasantly surprised. The rooms were of good size, and had good ceiling height (more important to me, I suppose). There were three bedrooms that were actual rooms, not two OK rooms and one closet with a futon. There's bonus space in a back room and in a front porch.

Of course, it's not perfect. There's no parking, the yard is small, and there's a fair amount of updating required. But street parking is generally available, I don't like to mow that much, and most of the updating is work even I can do - taking down wallpaper and paneling, mostly.

We've got a ways to go on this, and there's any number of things that could pop up and cause problems, but if everything pans out we'll be closing in six weeks. Keep your fingers crossed, think happy thoughts, and pray to whatever god(s) you're tight with for us!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

i am with you all the way dude! it sounds like a FINE house, especially since i had had a harrowing experience trying to get me own house last year as well... the back room and front porch sounds awesome man!!


For want of anything better to post, here's a breakdown of if I've been to the most populous 100 cities in the US, and if so for how...