02 August 2006

We finally got back to bar trivia last night, and cruised to a pretty solid victory, even though I almost gave it away by doing the math wrong on the final question. Good thing Allyson asked me to check the math, otherwise I'd have hosed us.

Your questions:

In what movie does Madonna make her acting debut, playing the lead singer of a band? Vision Quest (Greg) - At least that's the answer that was accepted as correct. I checked IMDB, and A Certain Sacrifice is there, but there's no release date given. They list Vision Quest's US release date as February 15, 1985. So it still could be correct. Maybe.

For what country can you add two letters to the end of its capital's name and come up with the name of the country? Tunisia or Brasil (OTC and Greg) - OTC is right if we're only talking English, while Greg is correct if I'm taking other languages. I don't think the original question made a difference, but they were looking for Tunisia. OTC, if the question sounds familiar, it could be because it was a Final Jeopardy a week or two ago. At least that's where we remembered it from.

What actress, born in New York City in 1949, derived her unusual first name from The Great Gatsby? Sigourney Weaver (Greg) - we had no idea, and never came within yelling distance of Weaver. We wound up guessing Stockard Channing, whose name is unusual, but perhaps not as unusual as Sigourney. For those who care, it's the name of Jordan Baker's aunt.

Which of the Ivy League schools was founded the latest? Cornell (Mike B.) - Founded in 1865, it's the only Ivy League school founded in the 19th century. We were kicking around Brown for a while, but it's not even the second-youngest Ivy. Dartmouth beats it by four years.

What sport is played according to the Cartwright Rules? Baseball (Chris) - His comment pretty much tells you what you need to know here. I think this was the only sports question all night. Round seemed pretty geography-heavy, which seems to work out for us. There was even another question on New Zealand, a country which has come up the last four or five times we've played.

What brand of car is named for the daughter of Emil Jellinek? Mercedes (Paul) - According to Wikipedia (FWIW), Jellinek not only gave his daughter's name to the company, but he later appended it to his own last name, becoming Emil Jellinek-Mercedes. I wonder at what point his daughter went from being flattered to being a little scared?

What US state capital is named for a boundary marker used to mark off territory for two Native American tribes? Baton Rouge (Mike B.) - The boundary marker, which separated hunting areas for two different groups of the Houma nation, was apparently red thanks to the blood coming from the animal and fish heads that decorated the stick. Yum.

This was the final question of the night (seemingly much easier than the Sigourney Weaver question, given the relative number of teams that got each correct), and had I not been reminded to check my math, we'd have lost by four points. There was some call to bet the maximum, which I might have to heed next time just in case.


The Grim Reaper said...

Alexander Cartwright drew up the rules of baseball, including 90 feet between the bases, which as Red Smith noted, may be the closest mankind has come to perfection.


Anonymous said...

The state capital in question is Baton Rouge. I also believe the newest Ivy League is Cornell, but I'm not sure.

Greg said...

Madonna was in A Certain Sacrifice before she was in Vision Quest.

Anonymous said...

#2 Tunis, Tunisia - I think this was once a QB question because I knew it off the top of my head.


Greg said...

Brasil (Brasilia)

I'm guessing the actress is Sigourney Weaver.

Paul Crowley said...

I'd say I know the answer because I'm some sort of literary wizard, but I've honestly never read The Great Gatsby. From watching Inside the Actor's Studio, though, I do know that Sigourney Weaver changed her name based on some character from the book.

Paul Crowley said...

Almost forgot, since Jellinek founded Mercedes, I'm guessing his daughter was Mercedes.

Greg said...

The thing with A Certain Sacrifice is, she did it before she became big (in 1979, acc. to Wikipedia) but it didn't get attention until a video release to capitalize on her being Ma-frickin-DONNA. It's sort of her Party at Kitty and Stud's.

For want of anything better to post, here's a breakdown of if I've been to the most populous 100 cities in the US, and if so for how...