18 August 2006

So I was preparing to go down to the train station last night to pick up my wife when I heard the siren of a fire engine. That's not that unusual, as we live no more than a quarter-mile from a fire station.

The siren grew louder, and the truck pulled down my street. That's also not that unusual, as there's an apartment building right around the corner from us that gets a visit from the fire department at least twice a week.

What was unusual was when the truck stopped right by our building. What was very unusual was what I saw when I looked out the window: no fewer than a half-dozen police cars (marked and unmarked), and a variety of law enforcement personnel. Some were uniformed, some plainclothed, some carried portable battering rams, and one had some sort of rifle. There was at least one visible bulletproof vest.

All of these folks were out to visit an apartment in the building next door, which is clearly the sketchy building of the three on our part of the street. Not sure what the reason was for the visit, though I think the first conclusion - drugs - is likely correct.

I don't suspect we're going to get this sort of entertainment in the new neighborhood, though I can't say that saddens me.

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