15 November 2006

Had a follow-up visit with the doctor yesterday (nothing serious), and was given a vaccine for pneumonia. I didn't know such a thing existed. Doing a little reading on it, I'm not sure why I got one - it seems like they're mostly given to the elderly, little kids, and the immunocompromised. I don't fall into any of those groups. I suppose it's related to the breathing thing, which I guess puts me more at risk to getting pneumonia. In any case, it's good for several years, so I won't have to deal with it again for a while.

My arm is hurting a bit where I got the shot, which I find odd (it didn't hurt yesterday) but is apparently not unusual.

Anyway, more fun to come with the flu shot. I've only gotten one of these before, thankfully without the common complaint of the shot making me sick.

The other odd thing is that I've apparently sprained my right middle finger. Not sure how that happened - unlike what Dave Barry says, I don't use it when driving - but my best guess from when it started hurting is that I did it in my sleep. Which comes as a surprise to none of you.

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