12 April 2007

How lucky am I? We're having a phone problem on campus right now that's affecting 16 phones - and one of them is mine. You know this is stealing the karma that was going to land me a major lottery jackpot.

Funny thing is, today's the first day of fall registration using our new information system, and for all of the concern and the late nights put in over the last few weeks, it's working fine (so far). Not that anyone could call me and tell me otherwise.


Allyson said...

Given the time of your post and the location you were at when it was posted, I'm assuming Wentworth was not affected by the network configuration error made at the Colleges of the Fenway Network Operations Center, which crashed our Internet at about 3:45 and apparently didn't get fixed until almost 8:30 last night.

Mark said...

Nope, our Internets stayed up. Our phones, though, are still all bollixed up. Right now I can get a dial tone but can't make an outgoing call. I don't think we're getting incoming calls, either, as I don't think the phone has rung in the last 10 minutes.

The Grim Reaper said...

10 minutes without a ringing phone - around here, we call that a good day.

For want of anything better to post, here's a breakdown of if I've been to the most populous 100 cities in the US, and if so for how...