27 April 2007

I did not watch last night's debate in South Carolina, as it is April 2007 and I am already sick of the 2008 election. It does not help that, out of the eight announced candidates, I cannot get excited about any of them. The best I can do is nominal interest; will 2008 be the year that I - gasp! - vote in the Republican primary?

Probably not. My only motivations there would be to (a) continue my string of voting against Mitt Romney, and (b) being the only guy in Beverly to vote for Sam Brownback. And even then, I think the guy who drives around with the "ARREST ALL CRIMINALIENS" sign on his car may be a Brownback voter.

I was just on the Massachusetts secretary of state's website, and have discovered that it only takes 2500 signatures to get on the Presidential primary ballot. That's tempting.


Anthony said...

That guy sounds more like a Duncan Hunter supporter.

Anonymous said...

I turn 35 next Saturday, and I plan to announce my candidacy then.

For want of anything better to post, here's a breakdown of if I've been to the most populous 100 cities in the US, and if so for how...