06 April 2007

Sioux lose, Hyph wins. With North Dakota losing a wild national semifinal to Newton College, our Frozen Four pool ends with the points unchanged from the last update. So ends a less than enthralling year of the pool.

It doesn't help that this year's Hockey Christmas (tm Craig Barker) has turned into Hockey Passover, with many of us who were in the pool playing the role of the Egyptians. Going into the title game, I have no options: can't root for NC for obvious reasons, and was turned off enough by Sparty in its native environment to not want to root for them, either. I'm reduced to rooting for rolling blackouts or some sort of non-lethal disruption that would force them to call things off. It's a sad day when that's the best we've got.

On the other hand, I now have three free hours tomorrow, so I've got that going for me.

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