02 April 2007

Lentorama 2007: The Non-Canonized Catholic Person of the Day

Today's person is Pope John Paul II, who went to meet the boss on this day two years ago. I'll spare you the career recap, as you likely know the bullet points (so to speak, given how 1981 went for him). If you don't, I'd suggest you watch the news every once in a while.

What I am going to mention is the drive to make JP2 ineligible to appear in future editions of this feature. At a ceremony held today in Rome, five cases of documentation were sealed in preparation for their delivery to the Vatican's Congregation for the Causes of Saints, who will take up the investigation. Most notable in their work will be seeing whether or not the French nun who claims to have had her Parkinson's disease cured by praying to (or for, I've read both) John Paul beat the disease by medical or theological means.

If they determine that what happened was a miracle, and if they agree that JP2 led a virtuous life, they'll pass his case on to Benedict for beatification. And considering that he already mader reference to hearing John Paul's voice among the communion of saints, I think we know how that will go. JP2 would not be canonized as a saint until they come up with a second miracle attributable to him, which probably won't take too long, either.

As you may be able to tell, I'm a little uncomfortable with the speed of things, which is ironic given that the usual problem with the Vatican is their glacial pace. There have been several assurances given that the investigation will follow all of the usual steps, but when I see the current Pope already hears JP2's voice among those of the saints, I'm not sure I'm buying it. Then again, John Paul was a driving force behind the simplification of the saint-making process given work he did in 1983. So I suppose I shouldn't begrudge him being judged by his own rules, even if in an expidited fashion.

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