04 August 2008

Book Log 2008 #31: God Save the Fan by Will Leitch

This book is not what it purports to be, based on its cover. It is not a manifesto or plan that will help sports fans get their sports back. What it does do is take players, owners, media and fans and puts each on display, letting us see the less savory bits that have been smoothed over or ignored elsewhere, for our education and entertainment (though often in reverse order).

It's to the book's credit that there's not much actual overlap in content between it and Deadspin. There are several items in it that were also treated on the website, but there's new stuff in the book which helps round out what was originally posted.

I'd have to say the extent to which you'll enjoy the book will directly related to the extent which you enjoy the website. I like the website and liked the book. Certainly worth a read.

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