04 January 2002

A couple of other things popped into my head as the day's moved along.

Maybe 2001 wasn't that bad Boston gets to start the new year with a killing at a New Year's Eve party, Rudy Giuliani taking pot shots, and the dinosaur rock band of the same name turning in what may be the worst rendition of the National Anthem EVER at the Fiesta Bowl. Tom Menino apparently voiced an eloquent rebuttal to all of these events, but no one could understand a word of it.

I still don't get Rudy's taking a shot at us, but this is a man who spent a lot of the latter end of his second term trying to outlaw ferrets in NYC.

I'm back on the Necco Wafers As some of you will remember, I was hooked on Necco Wafers a few years back. For those of you not in the know, Necco Wafers are a product of the New England Confectionary Company, the oldest multi-brand candy company in the US. They are small wafers that come in 8 flavors- chocolate, lemon, lime, orange, two types of mint, licorice, and clove. You can also buy all chocolate rolls, as well a tart rolls (not that good, honestly).

The wafers are hard, and you suck on them. Eventually they dissolve enough so you can chomp on them, or just let them disappear. They're almost all sugar, which can't be doing my teeth much good.

Not sure what the main attraction is, but check this out: each roll is under 200 calories, no fat! Of course, what calories do exist are some of the emptiest known to mankind. But it takes pretty much an entire afternoon to work through a roll, keeping me away from snacks that could do more damage.

Oh, Necco is also the company responsible for the conversation hearts that you see for Valentines Day.

I wound up getting back onto the wafers when, during a visit to the bookstore to buy sudafed (got a little cold, nothing serious), I turned and was eye to eye with a display of them. Kismet has never been so tasty.

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