04 January 2002

No single topic on hand today, just a lot of random ones...

Hey, how's that BCS working out? Hmm, 4 BCS bowls, four blowouts. Kind of handy having each of the games over by halftime so I could do other things, but disappointing from a total fan perspective. If nothing else, these results prove one thing: computers are great at the quantitative, but they can't compare team speed. Theoretically, teams with better speed will win more and thus rank higher on the BCS, but if you watched the Rose and Fiesta Bowls, it's hard to argue that Nebraska is faster than Oregon.

Unfortunately, Miami's win can given the BCS powers that be an excuse to bury their heads in the sand and say everything's OK. Best team won, right? Even though right up to kickoff, no one thought they were playing the second best team in the country.

Another plank to my platform for the future Presidential run: divison 1 football will have a playoff.

Jane Swift gets a running mate I'd never heard of the guy, can't even remember his name now. He was apparently a state rep and the mayor of Melrose before going to work for Swifty. He's only a year older than I am, and for some reason that irritates me.

Heck, Swift herself is only 36. So she's young, inexperienced, and hails from Williamstown, the cradle of... well, nothing.

The running mate guy is also openly gay, an interesting twist given Swift's rocky relationship with her gay stepson. Thinking is he'll be able to beat James "I Am" Rappaport, the carpetbagger best known for his failed 1990 campaign to unseat Senator John Kerry. Rappaport's loaded, the other guy (Patrick Guerriero, I looked it up) will get the party's backing, should be a fun primary.

Buddy goes to the doghouse in the sky Buddy, the Clintons' chocolate lab, hit and killed yesterday. The FBI found a suicide note in his briefcase.

NBC Nightly News dedicated their entire last segment last night to this and the link between the public and Presidential pets. Because there's nothing else going on in the world that needed covering, apparently. Doris Kearns Goodwin got roped into this somehow; maybe Brokaw's got something on her.

Anyway, I understand Socks had no comment.

What comes around goes around While I am no longer addicted to Oregon Trail (haven't played since before Christmas), Sarah is now somewhat addicted to The Sims, one of her presents to me. Kind of fitting, I suppose, except that I now can't get on my computer to play it myself.

Grammy nominations out today Who cares? And where did ABC dig up Jenny McCarthy to host the American Music Awards? Shouldn't she be positioning herself to replace Shannon Tweed in all those soft core movies they show on Cinemax?

And while I've got ABC to kick around I've seen the commercial for The Chair about a dozen times, yet there is no mention of the show AT ALL on their web site. At least when Fox shoved show promos down our throats during the World Series, we knew what they were about.

And then there's America's Funniest Home Videos. Tom Bergeron should fire his agent.

Let's not forget Millionaire, whose next episode is- surprise!- an Olympic celebrity edition. Apparently ABC can use all the charitable donations to write off losses because no one wants to watch Bruce Jenner answer questions about the solar system. Bring back the dorks! Like me!

Speaking of ABC and losers, for some reason they're interested in buying PAX. Because nothing says family programming like Dennis Franz's ass.

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For want of anything better to post, here's a breakdown of if I've been to the most populous 100 cities in the US, and if so for how...