10 May 2002

I got them all!

See how you do on this Mother's Day TV trivia quiz.

As close as I was to my mom, I was a terrible son where Mother's Day is concerned. Not that much was expected of me, especially when I was younger, but outside of contributing to the family present, I didn't do much. This was especially true when I was at BU, as the day always fell around finals. Usually, it'd be within 48 hours of Mother's Day (before or after) when something or someone would remind me. I think my mom understood my absent-minded professor mentality. It didn't help that I was usually approaching flat broke during those years, but a card on time would have been nice. It did happen, just not as often as it should have.

Now, Father's Day, I was pretty much on time all the time. Why? Because my mom would remind me. Which makes my forgetfulness even that much more shameful.

Bad, bad son. I'd feel really guitly about it if I didn't think my mom (were she here) would shake her head and mock me for making a big deal of it.

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