08 May 2002

Over-Supportive Parent of the Week: Cameron Helder

"I really want you to know that Luke is not a dangerous person. I think he's just trying to make a statement about the way our government is run. I think Luke wants people to listen to his ideas, and not enough people are hearing him, and he thinks this may help."

I don't even know where to begin with this quote. But I have an idea.

1. Pipe bombs are dangerous. People who make and deploy pipe bombs in the mail boxes of unwitting individuals are dangerous by extension.

I know this guy is going through a difficult period, what with his son facing the possibility of life in the hoosegow and all, but if you were to read this quote without knowing the context, you'd think he'd hit W in the face with a cream pie or hooked a TiVo into Dick Cheney's pacemaker. Instead, we have a combination Unabomber and Charlie Starkweather. It would be nice if, on some level, this guy made some sort of ameliorative remarks towards the half-dozen people hurt in this spree. Perhaps he has, and if so that's a good thing.

Looking at the picture of Luke Helder, I'm surprised he can tie his shoes, never mind whip up pipe bombs. Then again, driving halfway across the country only fueled by Arby's and anti-federal rage probably takes a lot out of a body.

I'll be very interested to hear what his specific beefs are with the government. Part of me hopes that his sole gripe is related to the legalization of marijuana, as I think the idea of a stoner/mad bomber is priceless (with respect to those injured). I can see the movie now, starring that kid from the Dell ads.

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