14 April 2003

Apologies for not posting lately, but I was involved in the sixth edition of TRASHionals this weekend (of course, many of you were there; for those that weren't or have no idea what I'm talking about, it's a pop-culture quiz event that attracted teams from coast to coast, Boston to Vancouver!).

I think it went pretty well, but from my position doing stats it was hard to get a real sense of things. What people I did talk to didn't complain to my face, at least. I'm sure there will be various kvetching in the Yahoo! quizbowl group, but I've not been much of a reader of that lately, either. I suppose I should at least take a peek.

I would like to take this opportunity to thank everyone who attended, played, etc. for their contributions to the tournament. I'll make special mention here of Matt Bruce, Matt Boggie, and Jon Couture for giving their time to help out. I'd especially like to thank the Matts, as they traveled various distances to attend. I should also note that Matt Bruce is a fine house guest!

The time put into the tournament over the last week has added up to me getting a cold. It's been mostly head, but has been making moves towards the chestal region. Given the month or so I spent with a cold at the end of December and beginning of January, I'm hoping this one doesn't settle in for a similar period. If nothing else, I'd like to be in good voice for CBI nationals. I think if I'd tried to read this past weekend I'd have made myself hoarse by round 4.

There are various sports things I should note, but am too lazy to backtrack. I will note Mike Weir's win at the Masters yesterday, making him perhaps the greatest lefthanded Canadian Mormon golfer in history. There's a trash bonus in there waiting to happen - lefty, Canadian, Mormon, combination, or none of the above?

(Perhaps I should institute a daily Mormon update? I've got a couple days covered by Carmen Rasmussen, and as long as the Mavs keep playing Shawn Bradley is available.)

Not much else going on, not surprisingly. I'm on call again, thankfully for the last time this academic year. Being in a two person rotation is not fun. I found myself acting like I was on call on the weeks where I wasn't. Thankfully, our third person will be joining the rotation in a week or two, and we're looking to add two more people for next year. Now my fellow RD and I just have to find some way out of the summer on-call rotation...

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For want of anything better to post, here's a breakdown of if I've been to the most populous 100 cities in the US, and if so for how...