08 April 2003

So I wound up doing the radio show by myself today, which makes it very hard to do the PTI thing. On the other hand, for all the vague sports and other talk I stuffed into 50 minutes, I actually felt like I did a show, as opposed to the past few weeks where things degenerated into me playing sound effects clips while my co-host and a friend of his reintroduced me to the level of discourse common to 20 year old males.

I picked Kansas to win the NCAA hoops title, which they did not. I wasn't strong for Kansas, left it at their experience besting Syracuse's youngsters. This even after I noted SI's use of that theory wasn't proving too useful. Sometimes my idiocy astounds me.

On the lighter side, I did note that today was Russell Crowe's birthday, and that he was getting married at some point. I did not note that he was actually getting married on his 39th birthday. Which makes the anniversary easy to remember. In a related note, my boss's sister is getting married on Valentine's Day, which also has an easy day to remember. I also wonder if the presents for such a day are additive, exponential, or have a cost-saving synergy to them. I suppose it varies from case to case (I shudder to think what it would mean for me!).

Life is reasonably busy with TRASHionals prep, and will step up as we get closer to the date. I've got to get a bunch of copying done, and handle some goodies mailed to me, and play host to Mr. The Bruce. I would be concerned that our humble home is too messy for him, but then I remember his place on Bay State Road.

On the TV front, I found it odd last week when the NBC announcer guy noted that this week's episode of Ed would be the season finale. I assume there's been the normal number of episodes for a season (just checked, it's 22 like past years); I can only assume that the network's burned through them all in rapid fashion. The move to Friday was similarly vexing, and chilling given that such a move often means a show is one step away from getting the heave-ho. I'm not sure if Ed's the best lead in for Law & Order SVU, but it's not like The West Wing was such a great fit, either.

Just skimmed a few articles, and it seems like the producers are in good spirits about things (what are the odds they'd gripe in this situation?), and hopefully NBC will give the show a chance to develop in the new time slot (and isn't that what network suits are known for doing?). It would be ironic for the show to get canned just as it's finding itself again, but not surprising.

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