21 July 2004

Back at the library again, though I hope to be addressing you from a home computer in the next day or so.  Unpacking what used to be our back room (which will hopefully rise again in a less chaotic version in our front room) is going slowly.  Admittedly I could be working harder at it; heck, I could be doing it right now rather than taking the time to walk over to the library (at least it's a short walk).

For the time being we've spurned high speed connections from Comcast or Verizon, due in large part to cost.  The sticker shock is pretty bad, especially as we've gotten very used to free high speed access from whatever campus we were living on at the time.  Dial-up didn't seem to do too badly during our brief stint with it in 2001, so we'll see how this goes.

We did get digital cable, which is OK.  Early returns suggest that I like the dish better, or at least the dish interface (the TV Guide-sponsored thing is clunky).  The "On Demand" feature isn't too bad.  I've actually gotten to watch episodes of Beat the Geeks and Monty Python this way. 

Phone and mail are in line as well, so we're slowly moving towards normalcy.  Sarah's commute is even going well, though that'll be shot to hell next week by the convention. 

The job thing could be going better, and hopefully will perk up once we get settled.  I was supposed to have a second interview for a job this week, but haven't heard from them.  Sent an email to get an update; I just hope they don't try to have me come in to Boston during the madness.  The travel may last longer than the interview.

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For want of anything better to post, here's a breakdown of if I've been to the most populous 100 cities in the US, and if so for how...