23 July 2004

Finally, a post from home.

We actually had the computer set up a couple of days ago, but we had a problem with the phone line.  While my call to Verizon suggested an outside problem, turns out the culprit was a bad phone jack in the kitchen.  I was surprised that something like this could take down all of our phones, but what I know about telephony would fit in a gnat's hat box.

In any event, dial-up is actually going pretty well.  I'm patient enough to wait the time it takes, but probably not patient enough if it took much longer.  I think about when I used to dial up from Manchester using the 28.8 on my old Mac Classic - I'm not sure how I didn't snap.  I also got very used to using that text-based Web browser - Lynx?  I hope it's enjoying its time at the old tech rest home; it's probably got the upper bunk rooming with Mosaic.

Sarah and I went to see The Bourne Supremacy, and it was pretty much what you'd expect.  Probably less loud than the first one, but I think it made up for the change in volume with even more jerky camera motion.  I thought we were over that.  In any event, it was nice to see Joan Allen again, though I wish her role had more personality.  Then again, you could say that about pretty much all the characters in the movie.

Previews were a mixed bag.  There was one for Ocean's 12, but no footage - just a date and a promise that everyone will be back (along with Catherine Zeta-Jones, which is vaguely worrisome).  Julianne Moore will apparently extend the unfortunate string of movies where she remains fully clothed with The Forgotten, where lives are rewritten for some nefarious purpose. 

I also think I may have a problem, as I felt way too positive about Ray, a Ray Charles biopic starring Jamie Foxx.  He's got the look down, I'll say that. 

Oh, there was also a preview for a movie called Cellular, where a kidnapped Kim Basinger gets help by calling some guy on a cell phone.  They don't seem to know each other; I'm wondering why she didn't just call 911 or get the operator.  I know, that wouldn't be much of a movie.

Let's see, what else?  I've watched a goodly portion of the Tour de France, and I think if Lance can hold the team together he could win next year, too (he'd also need Discovery to maintain the high level of funding that Postal gives, to help with the tech and pay salaries).  I don't think that'll happen - talk is that Floyd Landis is gone after this year.  As strong as Lance is, he may not be giving up the reins any time soon, so it's probably for the best. 

Job front is going pretty slow, though I have a second interview for a job next week.  In Boston.  During the convention.  I think if I show up on time I should get the job just for working out the logistics right.  More on this as it becomes available.


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