29 July 2004

Sarah's been seeing more obvious security the last couple of mornings, including visible weapons. Probably not surprising given Kerry's arrival. Even so, her trip doesn't seem to be taking any longer (outside of the Beverly-Salem drawbridge being stuck open yesterday, which I don't even think Anne Coulter would blame on the convention).

We also had our first significant protesting today, not sure about what. It didn't seem that big (though an American flag did get torched), and the police moved in and took care of business. My guess is that the protesting will focus on NYC, though with the sitting President being there I'd have to guess the security perimiter reaches out into New Jersey.

Not much else going on with me. Next week is some sort of local civic celebration, and there's a Scrabble tournament at the library. I'd been mulling it, but it's $15 to enter. I'm a little gun shy about tournament Scrabble after reading Word Freak, especially when I may need that money for bills and such. There is a regular Scrabble club at the library, so maybe I'll check that out. I didn't think I could be more of a dork, but there you are. I'd be much better off following Greg's lead into reasonable physical pursuits, but there doesn't seem to be much call for curling or fencing up here.

Though after watching this year's Great Outdoor Games, I was half-tempted to take up shooting. I don't think I could do skeet, but the target stuff looks cool.

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For want of anything better to post, here's a breakdown of if I've been to the most populous 100 cities in the US, and if so for how...