25 September 2004

Good news today - we were able to get out and do some more genealogy without my body creating foreign objects.

We've started doing some work on my paternal grandmother's side of the family, as trying to farther back with the Coens would require access to records which are probably scattered around northwest Ireland. In the process, we discovered that, to some extent, I'm even more of a Mainer than Sarah.

Turns out that Nana's dad started out on Cranberry Isle, which is just to the east of Bar Harbor. Sarah lives 45 minutes to an hour west of there. I figure that gives me ancestral rights to call her a flatlander (a term not so lovingly applied to anyone who hails from parts of Maine closer to civilization than you).

So there's some Down Easter in me, which explains my fascination with Moxie and Crown Pilot crackers.

We got home from the library in time for me to see BC lose to Wake Forest - again. Welcome to the ACC. I did not get to see any of Notre Dame's win over Washington. I hope this means the Golden Domers have turned the corner for good, but caution still seems appropriate.

I also had quite the moment this evening when I ran into some former RA colleagues after eating out. We discovered that you can sum up a decade of life pretty quickly, a fact found mutually depressing. Not that it was the best time to get into deep conversation, I suppose.

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